Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Lower Back Tattoo Design for Guys

Lower Back Tattoo Design for GuysLower Back Tattoo Design for Guys

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo design for Women - Lotus tattoo

Sexy Guns and Roses Tattoo Design on Female Lower Back

Cat Paw Print Tattoo - Feminine Tattoo

Lower Back Butterfly Tattoo on Sexy Girl

Stars Tattoo on lower back


There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos, he says. I know from experience there's something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed above the little something Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's also a bad sign. (Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, interviewed more than one hundred killers over a period of ten years and says eighty percent of them have one thing in common: Tattoos)

The Greek philosopher Bion of Borysthenes (circa 300 B.C.) described the brutally tattooed face of his father, a former slave, as "a narrative of his master's harshness."

We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible.? Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841-1935)

"I don't know why I like tattoos so much. I know it's crazy. I can't defend them. I've had some of my tattoos for twenty years. I love getting them. " Cher

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