Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Happiness is playing with something your mom doesn't want you to play with... But, you do it anyway because you love it. Happiness.

Oh little baby. You have quite a naughty habit now. If I try to take something from you... something you REALLY want... you hide it behind your back. Where did you learn that? Then, if I do take it from you, there's a melt down. A baby melt down. A crying, crawling, head hanging down meltdown.

Yes, I'm sure you REALLY enjoy eating the cat hair, dirt, leaves, hair pins, and everything else... BUT, I'd prefer if you didn't. We have a lovely variety of toys for you to choose from. They all like to be chewed on. Oh, and could you not bite me? I know you're teething, but ouch.

Yeah, that egg carton is pretty cool! But, I can only imagine how nasty dirty it is. Oh well. You had fun!


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