Minggu, 14 November 2010

Photo challenges on Monday

Macro Monday:


Photo Freak: Your best shot.
Photo Freak wants to see your BEST shot. I don't know if it's my BEST shot... but, it's definitely one of my favorites. I love Ruari's chubby little feet and little chubby wrist.

{Ruari 8.5 months}

Freckles and Fudge:
AND, I'm entering this photo of Ruari into the Cute Kid contest at Freckles and Fudge:

{Ruari 8.5 months}
Why is Ruari the cutest kid ever? Well, she laughs at my jokes... she's pretty funny. She looks a lot like me! ;D And, well: She is pretty darn cute!

Steppin Out Saturday (on Friday):
What are we wearing?

I have no idea where all his clothe are from. He's wearing Van's!

Shirt: Anthroplogie
Sweater: Anthropologie
Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: Antropologie

Top: Fred Meyer
Pants: Fred Meyer

He's wearing sadness and neglect.

Ok everyone! Don't forget to enter YOUR Holiday photo for my Holiday Card Challenge! Tons of prizes to share!

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

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