Kamis, 04 November 2010

Get to Know a Mama: Mandy from Harper's Happenings

Who are you?
What is your name and age? Mandy, 29 (for the first of many times).
Where are you located? Western Washington state.
Where can we find you (on the web): www.harpershappenings.com and www.kidletblog.com!
What is the name and age of your child? Harper, 2 (on Halloween).

Why did you start a blog? I started blogging to keep the family up to date on Harper. But now it's so much more and very...therapeutic.
Any blogging tips to share? Blog for you. Not for anyone else.
What do you think of Vlogging? Vlogging is cool, but I fail at it. The one time I tried, this happened. So I leave the vlogging to Harper now (see below).

Any advice for a new mom? Don't be so hard on yourself.

Would you like to have another baby sometime in the future? Yes! But not for a while.

Is there anything you could live your whole life not having to deal with? Oh, lots of things. Judgey moms, people who aren't aware of where their blinkers are located, people who stand to close to you in lines (if I can feel you breathing, you need to back up. Now.). I could make a list, but seriously, we'd be here all day.

Any hobbies that you just LOVE and want to share? Well, I'm obsessed with thrifting, but most of my readers know that. But seriously, I wish I could make it my job. My day dream is to own a tiny shop full of things I've found at Goodwill. I love picking through all the junk to find the special pieces, it's like drugs. No really, I have a problem.

List a couple things on your mommy wish list...This will sound ridiculous (maybe), but someday I want to have a fancy washer and dryer. With a real laundry room to put them in. We have a small stackable pair right now and omg, I would just kill for a shiny pair that is so huge it can wash and dry 67 towels at a time or whatever. I suppose this is more of a "family" wish, but I do a lot of laundry, so I dream of it.

Can we get a couple links to a few of your FAVORITE blog posts you've done?
When a bug tried to kill me: http://www.harpershappenings.com/2010/07/08/in-which-i-almost-died/, My road rage problem: http://www.harpershappenings.com/2010/06/30/issues-i-haz-them/,
My insomnia: http://www.harpershappenings.com/2010/10/08/is-this-what-greenday-was-talking-about/,
and my breastfeeding/formula post: http://www.harpershappenings.com/2010/04/05/lets-just-feed-them-shall-we/

Questions from Mandy's readers:

Is there anything you don't like to write about? I don't usually get too personal - I mean sure I'm writing about my family and myself and what is going on in our lives, but I don't touch too much on really personal issues. There are times when I wish I could pour my heart out, but I really don't think my blog is the place for it, nor do I think my readers would want to hear about it. Of course if something were to come along in my life that I wanted to share, I would because I know my readers are the best (hi friends!) and would be supportive.

If you could move any where in the world, where would you go? If I were to move somewhere, it would probably be NYC. I went this past summer and completely fell in love. I wish I had lived there before I got married and had a baby, just for fun, but I would still totally consider moving there if it weren't SO expensive! I can't imagine how much it would cost our family just to live there.

If you could choose a career in anything, what would it be? Something with animals, for sure.

Do you plan to return to work? When? In what career? Maybe someday. But I'm going to stay a SAHM for as long as we can make it work (for the record, it's not always easy!).

What's your favorite color? Yellow.

Is there something you are afraid of? Just about everything. No, seriously.

I am curious when her and Scot plan on having baby number two? Could you imagine? Two baby Harper's!? Ha. Probably in the next year or two, but definitely not anytime soon. Next year is my 30th birthday, BlogHer '11 and we are going to Mexico for our 5 year anniversary - none of which I want to be pregnant for. So next fall at the EARLIEST. Even then - who knows? We are having a blast with Harper right now.

What kind of camera do you have? Olympus Pen. It completely and totally rocks my face off.

Any particular tricks on picnik? I don't love Picnik as much as I used to. I use Lightroom 3 and basically want to marry it.

What tips do you have for a beginning photgrapher? Especially one like me, who only has a basic, point-n-shoot, digital camera. My advice would be to never take advice from moi. I'm like, below a beginning photographer. I really just take pictures for hobby and I have no idea what I'm doing.

What kind of activities does Mandy plan for Harper on a regular basis? Or is playtime not structured? We have our daily schedule, but nothing is set in stone. We love to color, play kitchen and she is starting to help me make lunch and stuff. We go to the local parks as she is getting more and more into playing on the toys, and we have a few friends with kiddos we get together with for playdates.

Where does Mandy shop for Harper's clothes? They are always adorable! Remember my love for thrifting? Yeah. There is a local consignment shop that I get the majority of her clothes at. And Target is a big one, too. I love clothes but hate spending a lot of money. Consignment is great because they grow out of things so quickly, and many times the clothes have never been worn!

Where do you get the gorgeous hair clips for Harper? (the round-ish ones, I think she's wearing one in the little film from the fair. "a moo! a moo!" too cute!) That one in particular is from my friend Emily's Etsy shop, Uff Da Designs! link - http://www.etsy.com/shop/uffdadesigns) Sometimes I make hairclips for Harper when I'm bored, so many others you see are probably ones that I made when I was drinking wine, after the kiddo was in bed.

And, what every mom wants to know: ;)

Do you have a censored curse word you like to use? The F word is my favorite. I never use it around Harper (obviously), but it's good for all occasions, isn't it?
Where is your favorite place in your home to get away from it all? It's more like a time. After Harper has gone to bed, I like to just sit on the couch and do whatever I want. Blog, watch reality television, drink tea, craft, whatever. It's so relaxing and quiet.
What is your favorite parent related word? Mommy is the best thing I think I've ever heard.
What is you least favorite parent related word? Potty kinda bugs. But I'd better get used to it.


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