Senin, 26 April 2010

Angel Wings Tattoo - Abdomen tattoo

Angel Wings Tattoo - Abdomen tattooAngel Wings Tattoo - Abdomen tattoo

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: You think it, I ink it.
~Saying of tattooists

Flower Skull Tattoo Design on Male Arm

Flower and Butterfly Tattoo for Girls

Female Feet Tattoo - Butterfly Flower Tattoo

Tattoo Ideas For Girls Blossom

Butterfly Tattoo and Flower Tattoo for Female Back Tattoo


Jolie says her tiger tattoo is a favorite of her kids.  They talk to it all the time.  They like to say hi to it and paint it with fingerpaints.  Its like a little friend.  - Angelina Jolie

It's Aslan, the lion from The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. Its a symbol of my hellish childhood. I struggled through my oppressive teenage years and when I turned 18 I escaped. Like Aslan I was finally free.? - Christina Ricci


"I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I'm wearing a dagger!" - Angelina Jolie

"Every time I get a tattoo, my parents say they?ll disown me. I have to get them airbrushed for Charmed. Witches don?t have tattoos, I guess."
Alyssa Milano

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