Spongebob Playing bicycle Water
Rabu, 30 September 2009
Imagini cu Animale
Stiati ca...
Pisicile au 32 de muschi in fiecare ureche.
Un crocodil nu poate scoate limba.
Sobolanii se inmultesc atat de repede incat in 18 luni, un cuplu de
sobolani poate avea mai mult de un milion de descendenti.
Porcii nu sunt capabili fizic sa priveasca cerul.
Inima unei crevete este " gazduita " in cap.
Oamenii si delfinii sunt singurele specii care fac sex de placere.
Puricele poate sari peste de 350 de ori lungimea trupului sau.
Un gandac de bucatarie traieste noua zile fara cap, dupa care moare de foame.
Unii lei se imperecheaza de peste 50 de ori pe zi.
Fluturii gusta cu ajutorul picioarelor.
Ochiul strutului este mai mare dect creierul sau.
Păsările au inima mai mare şi mai puternică decât un mamifer de aceeaşi mărime.
Stiati ca... porumbelul voiajor este "animalul" domestic ce poseda cel mai bun simt al orientarii; cand este transportat spre o destinatie oarecare intr-un vagon inchis si pe rute oricat de incalcite, el, odata eliberat, regaseste locul de unde a plecat, chiar si la o distanta de 2000 km.
Exista o specie de musca: Cephenomia al carei zbor depaseste viteza
sunetului ? Ea se deplaseaza cu 1300 km/h.
Pisicile au 32 de muschi in fiecare ureche.
Un crocodil nu poate scoate limba.
Sobolanii se inmultesc atat de repede incat in 18 luni, un cuplu de
sobolani poate avea mai mult de un milion de descendenti.
Porcii nu sunt capabili fizic sa priveasca cerul.
Inima unei crevete este " gazduita " in cap.
Imagini cu Animale- Delfinul

Imagini cu Animale - Caii

Un gandac de bucatarie traieste noua zile fara cap, dupa care moare de foame.
Unii lei se imperecheaza de peste 50 de ori pe zi.
Fluturii gusta cu ajutorul picioarelor.
Ochiul strutului este mai mare dect creierul sau.
Imagini cu Animale - leopardul

Stiati ca... porumbelul voiajor este "animalul" domestic ce poseda cel mai bun simt al orientarii; cand este transportat spre o destinatie oarecare intr-un vagon inchis si pe rute oricat de incalcite, el, odata eliberat, regaseste locul de unde a plecat, chiar si la o distanta de 2000 km.
Exista o specie de musca: Cephenomia al carei zbor depaseste viteza
sunetului ? Ea se deplaseaza cu 1300 km/h.
Selasa, 29 September 2009
Wallpaper Toamna Copaci
A venit toamna. Toamna anului 2009, si in acelasi a venit frigu. Cum spuneam Cosbuc in poezia Toamna:
Şi moare natura
De jalea pădurii
În toamna târzie!
În toamna târzie!
E a doua serie cu Wallpapere de Toamna pentru desktopul vostru. Primele imagini au fost cu frunze galbene de toamna. Iar aceasta serie este cu copaci, paduri, frunze, cer.
Wallpaper Copaci Toamna 1280x1024
Frunze Toamna
In emisfera nordică toamna începe în jurul lunilor august/septembrie. Cel mai mult imi place la acest anotimp culorile deosebite. Culorile toamnei. O sa urmeze mai multe serii cu Imagini de Toamna. Primele doua imagini sunt cu frunze, tipic anotimpului. Frunze frmoase, rosii, colorate.
Wallpaper Frunze Toamna

Senin, 28 September 2009
Whip it - the movie

I had the opportunity to see Whip it over the weekend. The long awaited debut of Drew Barrymore's first directed movie. Naturally, it has spunk. It has heart and really a hopeful movie.
Drew is even in it herself as Smashly Simpson.
Other stars that shined in this film.. most definitely were Ali Swakat from Arrested Developement (Do you remember Maybe?) She plays best friend Pash who gets A's so her parents will leave her alone. Then there is Julette Lewis as Iron Maven who is hell on wheels. She was perfect for the part. And you can't forget marvelous Zoe Bell as Bloody Mary.
This is a movie more that roller derby. Although there is a lot in it. I sometimes felt it dragged the movie a bit, but if you have the need to get your roller derby action..you can get it in this movie.
Basically its about a girl finding her own independence even if its a bit unconventional between lying to her pagent seeking Mom (Marcia Gay Harden) and to the team and even Oliver(Landon Pigg..what an adorable smile). The movie isn't perfect. Neither is life. Neither is love with a beautiful guy or for the love of the game.
This is a movie about how we don't always see eye to eye with our parents. How we have the need to find our passion in life. And how some things may seem totally crazy, but maybe they aren't that crazy at all.
On the downside. Yes, the movie was a little long. But for the most part it was a warm movie about friendships, respect for ourselves and the ones who brought us into this world. Drew did good.
Minggu, 27 September 2009
Colin Gray fan fiction

OK, so you might never want to watch another Diablo Cody film again due to the campy dialogue and Megan Fox, Jennifer's Body. But you can at least be happy that she graced us with Colin Gray played by Kyle Gallner. To bad he had to be the third victim. But what if he wasn't. What if he was there for Needy, after all. Just by chance, Jennifer didn't ask him to meet her that night because Needy told her to forget about him. Someone else was her victim, but he went anyway to witness the whole thing and somehow came out unscathed. Almost. Maybe he and Needy share a common bond now.
Check it out!
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Jumat, 25 September 2009
Kamis, 24 September 2009
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Selasa, 22 September 2009
Senin, 21 September 2009
Minggu, 20 September 2009
isn't she lovely

Emily Browning has gone legally blond. She was seen sporting the new blond look for her new film Sucker Punch that she's filming with Vanessa Hudgens.
Emily replaced, hot commodity these days, Amanda Seyfried as Babydoll. Its the story of a girl who has been hurt by her evil Step-father and is in an institution. It takes place in the 1950's.
What a transformation for Emily. It gives her such a new angelic warmth. Although, it might take some getting used too. She's great with that vibrant chestnut hair of hers.
I do envy her everyday look. Such character. Love the gray thigh highs. So comfy yet with a sense of cool natural vibe and quirkiness. She seems to be the type who loves to keep her originality about her with a fresh and whimsical touch. This is what new age goddesses should be seen in around town. Charming, practical and maybe even magical.
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