Senin, 30 Juli 2007
Guy Burnet aka Craig Dean

Minggu, 29 Juli 2007
What have they done?

I'm so mad at BBC AMERICA. They've stopped showing HOLLYOAKS at night. Now its at 2 a.m. in the morning. How am I suppose to see it? Jonah is being a butt head about it. He's the only one who knows how to record stuff on the DVD player. I want to see this show. I love these character.
Sunny & Macaulay. Finally, these two might stick together. Then Craig Dean and the triangle of passion between him, John Paul and Spike. I want to know what happens.
How could BBC America do this? Starting this week, Coupling will be on in Hollyoaks' time slot. It's just not fair. I go on vacation and this is what I come home too. Its so not right.
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2007
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Selasa, 17 Juli 2007
Then there is the whole Jessie thing on my mind. I think I hate him. I wonder if I'd feel the same way if I saw him. A part of me just wants to kick his ass. But I have to wonder if I'd be all smiles if I saw him. I hope not.
Well, better go. We're going to go through craft stuff and see what needs to be thrown away.
Kamis, 12 Juli 2007
Selasa, 10 Juli 2007
Minggu, 08 Juli 2007
Will from Hollyoaks

The misunderstood Will from Hollyoaks is Oliver Farnworth.
He's one of my favs on the show.He's obsessed with Zoe. However, there is so much about Will we don't know.
Maybe he's rich, but we aren't sure how he got rich. We know he looks out for his friends, but then again what is he looking to do to his friends.
Its such an unpredictable character for Oliver to play. I'm hoping he'll be in films soon. He has a page here at Bebo.
Jumat, 06 Juli 2007
to talk or not to talk
Jonah will not even look at me.
I feel like I'm in a fog. Its just a blur now. And..and Jonah's Mom thinks it would be a good idea if I stayed the weekend at my sister's.
"You need to talk."
But I don't want to because I know this is more like an intervention or something. Which is crazy. Right? I spend one night with a guy. Its not like I'm going to run away with him or anything.
Of course, a phone call would be nice. Something. Its not like I have a way to reach him.
Honestly, maybe I'm on the verge of a nervous something another.
Maybe it'll do me good to get away from here, but I don't think so. I cleaned my room. Finally. But then I kind of tossed most of my clothes in a box and stuck them in the basement.
I tried to read a book, but I didn't get very far. My babysitter was wanting to get me the new Harry Potter book coming out, but I've never cracked one of them open. Ok, I did, and I didn't like it much. I know I have a short attention span. So I must be stupid. And I felt like an idiot listening her go on and on about the books she wants her kids to read, but to never see the movies.
I am sad. Sad about so many things. I have these bouts of crying, but then it stops. And, I'm still in shock that Jessie would ever want to be with me. Then I wonder if he'll ever call. If I'll ever see him again. If.
Senin, 02 Juli 2007
The Click Five

still pondering
I'll be spending most of my saving on my cap tomorrow for my tooth. I'm so afraid to find out the cost.
On the upside today, I'm still happy that I met Jessie. Kind of. Its just why am I so crazy about this guy I met at the library. Am I just boy crazy? He's younger than me, and well...there's Kenny.
Its not like I'm going to go out with Jessie. He's just somebody to talk too. I'm sure thats all it was. He was bored being with his little sisters and well, it was fun. Sitting there in the grass eating chicken salad sandwiches talking about nothing, actually. He wasn't trying to impress me. Just being honest. How he doesn't exactly like it here, but he's getting use to it.
Anyway, I really do want to lay down. Its so humid out. Hot too.
Minggu, 01 Juli 2007
Jamie Davis
Jamie Davis from HEX can somehow make the most of a scene. He always has a way of being innocent, in the riskyest of times. But he's cool. Sweet. And you just can't stop thinking about him long after you watched him on the show